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Sea Kilds


The origin of the Sea kild can be tracked back to two places that recorded the description of these creatures. Kathiim and Shadiir. The descriptions of both aren't quite the same, but do consist of several of the same contents and similarities in biology. This may be a creature sharing a common ancestor, split to evolve in their different types of biomes. That, or it could be a cultural myth that was passed on from one country and adopted by another. Nonetheless, this creature shares extraordinary features and capabilities unknown to any kild amongst the land.

We'll go over the individual descriptions depicted by each culture--but out of a brief explanation shared by all cultures and writings of this creature--these kilds of the sea are majestic creatures, often described as gorgeous and fair with delicate shimmering scales. They've been seen sun bathing for brief moments among shores, they've also been sighted setting out for long hours in the night, their shimmering scales reflecting beautifully in the solax lit night.  They are told to be physically appearing like one of our own. However, rather than having a tail the same length as your body, these creatures have tails two times their own size. Their tails are finned for swimming as some of their limbs even, to swim swiftly through the water. Their limbs are visually delicate, and yet very powerful.

There have also been sightings told by sailors, stating that they've seen these sea kilds swim by their boats. There are sea chanties and sailor tales singing about the beauty and glory of these creatures--and the danger of them.

There have been tales of sailors being dragged under by these gorgeous sea kilds, treacherous as they are beautiful, seeming to enjoy drowning gullible kilds with their conniving minds. 

Aside from their aggressive behavior towards males and sailors, It's been written that they are fair to kilden and hold a motherly nurturing side towards them.

The Cristonians depictions often describe these sea kilds as quick witted water mages,  Serene, magical creatures with scales like that of the dazzling snow. With the ability to turn invisible instantly, turning the color of the water and darting off. They've also been told to regenerate their limbs even after completely lopped off! They've been seen chasing large fish and jolting off with them, caught ripping open fisher nets with their razor sharp teeth to eat the fish inside, then once in the water they'd disappear seemingly like they've melted from ice to liquid.

The kathiimian depiction of them is very similar to that of the Cristonians' however, their color is said to be golden or fiery red rather than white as snow. They've shared tales that the sea kilds were kind-hearted and timid creatures, swimming much quicker than any fish they knew, with scales so delicate and gorgeous they were like the purist piece of gold, or the dash of a watery flame. Thy say the sea kild doesn't like or trust land creatures, and will vanish in the blink of an eye if you're too close. The kathiimians, being notorious swimmers, have claimed to gotten fairly close to these beautiful sea folk, before they realize they are not one of the animals of the sea--in which they very quickly scurry away.

There have been sightings of other sea kilds from other countries and cultures, all varying in scale colors and behaviors from aggressive to timid, and some even curious, and seductive. The other variations all came after these two main variations, and it is believed that they were just adaptions of the other stories- though there are always possibilities that they may be true sightings, for if it were possible someone would bring valuable evidence of their existence back. So far, all that has been shown as evidence are shiny smooth scales of skaggle fish, a fish found by the shores that commonly shed their scales during their mating seasons while they rub and itch them against the ridged rocks where they nest; and the chopped tail end of glacier eels said to be the lopped off ends of the sea kilds, though was found as a false tail when someone showed up with the fishes head. 

For now, these beautiful creatures of a mystery of our imagination, with hopes that one day we might set eyes on them, learn from them, where they come from and how much they truly know. wonders of an under water kingdom, information about the sea we could never know- are they kilden of Eliis, brothers and sisters of Solax? Do they have something to do with the slumber of our mother Eliistia and her kilden? So many curious questions.

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