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This illustration is an example of a kild's skeletal structure--Their upper humanoid like structure and lower animalistic, kind of dinosaur like structure. based on the tibia and fibula of the legs it shows what good amount of flexibility they can handle in their legs for movement. Their tails are very raptor-like, being able to move at certain angles and are held still aside from a light move with the sway of their hips as they walk.

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Zugisian kild skeleton from kilds o anita

Kild Biology


Scientific Name: Pruden-Tillia (prudentia) 

preferred species name: (Kild)

Key name meanings:

Reptilious, prudence, wisdom, knowledge, discretion, foresight, caution


Kilds are reptilious humanoid creatures living in the world of Anista. Western kilds are Diurnal, while the Eastern kilds are Nocturnal. Each race has their own empires, cultures, religions and governments. 

Kild Anatomy



The upper anatomy of a kild is very humanoid consisting of similar bone structure and organ placement as a human, except their innards are shades of blacks and grays and their blood is a deep inky purple. Their facial structure is very human-like as well, however, their skull shape is much more sloped and their jaws are made for eating much more diverse and difficult foods that our teeth and jaws would not be strong enough to eat.

Their noses are very delicate and are often used to detect food and as a way to familiarize themselves with one another and predators. Kilds are mostly nocturnal, so their eyes are well adapted for capturing the most light they can for the best sight in dark settings. They are adapted this way due to the harshness of the day time known as Eliis or Eliistia. durring the Eliis the sun can get well above 100° F - 200°F in the deciduous regions alone. While the night time or Solax is much more tame, setting at a low temperature of 50°F - 80°F during the summers of a deciduous region. With the heat the sun gives off, it can quickly burn up a kild and cause them to over heat or fry. So their evolution has lead most of them to adapt to night time and darker settings.

The lower half of kilds are very animal-like with powerful and sturdy legs made for running and holding good balance. Kild's have rounded, shovel like claws that were originally used for digging and burrowing homes in their early evaluations. Males had large sharp talons for fighting and defending. They would often "spur" one another for territory  or defending their collectives. In recent times, the male's talons are not as required and have shrunk in many races that have dulled their uses as they have learned to make and use other forms of weapons. Though some cultures still use the talons in some fighting techniques.



Above is an example of the oldest known kild evolution, this early kild shows a lot better of an example on how they were meant to move about and live in their environment. Sense then they have evolved to stand up straighter, grown less need for fur and hair as they wore more clothing, their hands have changed to become more usable and flexible for using tools. The more they stood on two, the stronger their legs became and the weaker their arms. their arms would adjust size to better movement along with their shoulder blades pushing back and developing a much flatter torso. Kilds still prefer to lye on their stomachs or sides rather than their backs due to the discomfort it gives their spine.

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Soul Gems

The very soul of the kild itself. Every creature on Anista has a soul, every creature has a soul gem. For as long as the creature is alive and well, the soul gem is clear and vibrant! If the creature is sickly or ill, the soul gem will dim or become foggy or blotchy. When the creature's body has finally failed them and they die, the soul will leave the gem and reincarnate, finding a home in another gem yet to be brought to life as another creature. Often, Eiidis, the soul collecting deity and others alike have been known to help souls find their new bodies.

Soul gems are often the same color as the creature's eyes, following the idea that "the eyes are the windows to the soul" but also because the soul gem is a sort of "third eye" for creatures of Anista. They can see loose motion through it, even when they're asleep, along with the ability to feel someone close to them. 

A Vibrant Soul:

The soul gem does have the ability to glow, this is produced by the blood rush of the chemical dopamine.  So the glow can happen when the creature is excited or feeling rewarded. This can also happen when the creature is feeling attracted to another. 

As you may have guessed, the gem is effected by emotions, and that can also include "heart break". If someone very dear to them dies tragically or in some way that they do not accept, their gem can crack. They can die from this, but they can also heal from it as well. The gemstone will take some time, but eventually the cracks will mend.

Missing soul gems

It is possible for a creature to be born without, or have their soul gem removed. It is painful and non-recordable as the removal or the soul from the body essentially takes away all of the personality and life from the body. The body will be able to live, but it is just an empty shell. It won't be able to speak it's mind, make choices, or properly take care of itself. The most it will be able to do is basic survival. Breathing, Eating and sleeping. If something were to attack it, speak to it, or care for it, it would have no knowledge or reaction to this. 

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Skeletal anatomy

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A kild's skull has a sloped brow and strong jaw, kind of similar to the Neanderthal's head shape. They also have sharp teeth used for biting into the tough fruits that their world makes, along with tearing meats.

Their noses are rather fragile with their strong sense of smell, they are also fragile due to the lack of bone there. punching or smashing a kild's nose can cause it to bleed quite easily and hurt a lot due to being so sensitive and fragile.

Legs and Feet

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Kild feet are softly flexible, their toes are capable of grabbing objects and can be moved individually, their toes flexibility is great for balancing as they can curve to multi-terrain and even climb with them. Though with this flexibility, they cannot hold heavy objects with their toes such as weapons or themselves due to not being able to fully grasp things. Their feet and legs themselves are very powerful and can be used great in battle and for flexibility, however. Their general function of their legs allows them to move quite swiftly and get more force for jump height and speed.


Kilds are covered in tons of tiny fine scales, they are soft, shiny, and slick. These scales serve as a bit of protective covering over top their hide., which is their primary 'skin' and used for insulation in keeping their bodies warm as kilds don't produce a lot of body heat and it is required they keep fed to produce endothermic heat,  physiological generation and regulation of body temperature by metabolic means. 

Kilds used to have much larger scales in their ancestry, however, due to not needing them anymore, most races no longer have large "dominant scales" and for those that do, they are often picked off due to being discomforting and itchy, thus further removing them as smaller scales will grow back where the larger scale once was. some kilds still have dominant scales in their genes if they are necessary such as those that live in hotter biomes or from harsher environments where more protection might've been needed. 

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Male and Female Biology

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Most commonly  used in differentiating the gender of a kild is by it's talons. in a way, like chickens. Males will have large talons used for fighting and defending, while females do not have any talons.


Females legs were built more so for being strong for digging and running. While males have stronger upper bodies for tackling and wielding weapons.


Though they both have their strengths and weaknesses, this does not limit them to their abilities to fight or defend.

Kild gender can also be identified by their reproductive system, Males' peen duct is shaped like a downward facing arrow or a 'V' shape. While female's vaginal duct have an upside down 'Y' shape to them. Kilds have one duct for waste disposal and one for reproduction, they are separated from their usages, meaning the males and females will dispose of waste the same way, primarily using their peens for reproductive purposes.

Mates and Partnership

Most Kilds are monogamous, and typically stick with their families as closely as possible.

Partnerships are formed based on a level of helpfulness, typically, a couple of interested kilds might start to work together to test their cooperation with one another, this is also not limited to gender unless they are looking forward to furthering their family branch. Royals and higher ups who typically work for themselves or with multiple kilds will often hold their mate picking interest in markings and wealth depending on culture and position it may be needed.

Difficult mating

Kilds have a bit of insensitivity to sex, and makes reproduction difficult and uncomfortable. Most will wait off until Solax Eliis (Read more here) Where their hormones are boosted and mating feels much more pleasurable.



Eggs and Young

Kilds produce eggs, each race has a different sized egg and different methods of how to hatch and raise their offspring they call "Kilden"

Size and color varies from race to race, but best way to judge size and durability of an egg is:

Height: Based on race - 1 inch per 1ft (Ex: 6ft Zugisian lays a 6inch tall egg)

Width:  take 2 inches off the full height. (Ex: 6" tall egg will have a 4" Width)

Shell thickness: 1.05 MM per 100 pounds. ( Ex: a 300 pound kild will lay an egg with a shell thickness of 3.15MM)

Eggs take roughly about two weeks to make after fertilized, then once laid, up to three months to fully develop and hatch. Unfortunately, despite this fast reproduction rate, many of the kilden do not make it. Disease, parasite, predators, stress, and deformity are many of the risks that can cause kilden death. The females often will get stressed when their egg does not make it and can pay quite a toll as well.

Hatching the young correctly can be a difficult task, many kingdoms have created incubation rooms and special ways of hatching their young, but most of them are limited and costly.



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